Understand ChatMe functionality by using our web interface.
Last updated
Understand ChatMe functionality by using our web interface.
Last updated
Dashboard combine general information about your account and service usage. There is few sections to manage your account, keys and additional information:
My Account Show your account information from NEAR Social. To edit this information, open the link in top-right corner, login and fill account details in NEAR Social website.
Account Keys Used to manage your private keys generated for private conversations (message encrypted in Private Mode). Each device generate it's own keys that is used for encode/decode private messages.
Important: to read your encoded (private) messages on another devices you should use the same private key that was used on start private conversation. That's why you need export your private keys and import it on each new device. Do not share your private keys to another person!
My Account Level
We provide 3 account levels, you can pay to increase Account Level by your needs. More details about each level you can find in User Account section.
Important Information Contain Important Information, please read it ;)
Account Spam Level Represent amount of reports about spam in your messages. We try to minimise the spam, that's why your account can be locked for sending new messages based on your Account Level.
Documentation & External Links This section contain the links to our documentation and social profiles. Please join our twitter, discord and send your questions and proposals, we are opened for new collaborations.