Send group/channel message
Send new group/channel message:
NOTE: Replace CONTRACT_NAME to use one of our smart-contracts and ACCOUNT_ID to your sender account.
Request parameters:
group_id (required): Recipient group id. You get this id when create new group by call our smart-contract and you can see this ID in ChatMe web interface.
text (required): Message text. Limited by 5000 symbols per message.
image (required): IFPS hash for uploaded image. Send empty string if you don't want send image.
reply_message_id (optional): Message ID for reply.
inner_id (optional): Some unique value that can be used to internal message identification.
Response: message ID (U128).
Send spam report
NOTE: Replace CONTRACT_NAME to use one of our smart-contracts and ACCOUNT_ID to your sender account.
Request parameters:
message_id (required): Unique message ID with spam.
message_sender (required): Account that send spam message.
is_group (required): true in this case (spam in group chat).
Last updated