Direct Messages
Understand ChatMe functionality by using our web interface.
Last updated
Understand ChatMe functionality by using our web interface.
Last updated
You can send direct message to any valid NEAR account. To write new message, click relevant icon in top-left corner and provide recipient wallet address and message text.
Your message can contain: - Text: up to 5000 symbols/message. - Image: click on "media" icon, image will be uploaded to IPFS (sometimes there is delay with image load). - Like: click on "like" icon in right-bottom corner till you don't write message text. - NEAR tokens: click on "NEAR symbol" and provide amount of tokens that should be send.
To type message with multiple lines, just hold Shift and press Enter to add new line.
You can send direct messages using our application interface or implement this functionality in your project, read more about direct messages integration.
We use NEAR Social account list that you follow as your Address Book. To use it, just start typing Account address or name on Recipient field:
We use near-js-encryption-box library to encrypt messages in Private mode. This library works on the same principle as SSL encryption in your browser - users exchange public keys and encode/decode messages using own private key with public key of companion.
For encryption/decryption we use private and public keys that stored in your browser local storage. To decode messages using another device you should export your keys and import in new device (functionality available in Dashboard). If you lost/replace your keys - you will not be able to decrypt any previously encoded message.
Keep your keys in secure place and don't share with other users!
You can enable Private Mode to encode all your direct messages. Click "lock" icon to request privacy mode. When your companion accepts this request, you will receive a notification and Private Mode will automatically be turned on (red color for the background and icons show that Private Mode is enabled).
All your messages will now be encrypted before sending to the blockchain, and only you and your companion can decode those messages (encoded messages indicated by a small lock icon).
You or your companion can disable Privacy Mode by click on the "unlock" icon. Later each of you can enable it without additional conformations - when you receive encoded message, Privacy Mode will be automatically enabled!